Permission to dream again
When we hit difficult seasons in life it’s easy for God given dreams to take a back seat and we can feel stuck, but Jesus wants to awaken fresh vision in you again.
Inspired by John 5: 1-15
Many have experienced difficulty in the last few seasons, from lockdowns to racial tensions to the exposing scandals of all kinds. This unprecedented period of time has resulted in all of us having emotional distress and mental fatigue in one way or another.
“Jesus met this man in his frailty. However, Jesus did not define the man by his inability; rather, Jesus saw beyond his dysfunction.”
When we go through hard seasons it's easy for our God-given dream to take the back seat to more pressing matters.
I imagine this to be the case for the man who was disabled for 38 years. While he lived on a mat, waiting for the opportunity to be healed, he had to put his passion, calling, and dreams on hold for 38 years. I imagine that somewhere along the line he got complacent about his breakthrough. This man eventually grew comfortable with his dysfunction, so that it became his home.
Let me ask you a question: where in your life have you become complacent? What dysfunctions in your life have you allowed to go unchallenged? Dysfunction, if not confronted, can stifle our ability to be fruitful.
According to the scriptures, Jesus notices this man. Isn't God so kind to truly see us and the reality of our situation? Jesus met this man in his frailty. However, Jesus did not define the man by his inability; rather, Jesus saw beyond his dysfunction.
"Do you want to be well?" Jesus asked him. It's amazing that Jesus did not inquire as to why he was ill. Jesus did not inquire as to how he had attempted to recover. Jesus went right to the heart of the matter - his desire.
“Dysfunction, if not confronted, can stifle our ability to be fruitful.”
Our desires are what drive us, so Jesus knew that if He could awaken desire in this man, his situation would improve. So, he posed this fundamental question.
The paralysed man responded with excuses of how he tried but failed to be healed. Nonetheless his desire to put forth effort towards becoming better and reclaiming his life is all that Jesus needed to work with.
How many of us can relate to this man? Is there a part of your life where you feel stuck?
Following that, Jesus didn't dwell on what he couldn't do; instead, he spoke into his potential and said, "Pick up your mat and walk."
God has called us to dream again in this season. You may have been paralysed by fear, stuck in self-doubt, or waiting for the right time to take action, but Jesus is now speaking to your ability to overcome your place of dysfunction. Pick up your dreams, pick up your mission, pick up your God-given passion and walk!
Don't allow the reasons ‘why you can't’, blind you from the God who says you can. The desire for you to lead, to serve, to be fruitful is still in you, and that's all that God needs to awaken your purpose again.
The man who had been sick for 38 years demonstrated his desire to recover by attempting to enter this mysterious healing pool, but he was at a disadvantage, but when Jesus appeared, his prospects changed.
“Don’t allow the reasons ‘why you can’t’, blind you from the God who says you can. The desire for you to lead, to serve, to be fruitful is still in you, and that’s all that God needs to awaken your purpose again.”
God's promises give us the ability to do things that are beyond our ability, so I want to charge you to bring your desires, dreams, and heart longings before God, ask him to speak a reviving word, and be ready to feel a new grace to pioneer again.
Like the disabled man, you'll recover and be restored to your ability to pursue your God-given dream.
Ask Yourself:
1.Where have you been complacent as a result of life's difficulties?
2.What is one discipline you can start practising to help you stay encouraged?
3.Who can you confide in about your difficulties, and who can you encourage to keep you responsible as the leader God has called you to be?
Pause to Pray:
I thank you, Heavenly Father, for your faithfulness and compassion. I ask you to help me in not relying on my own knowledge but in trusting you with my entire life. I ask you to heal, restore, and revive me. Please allow me to dream once again. Kindly help me in regaining my faith and empower me in using my life for your glory. Amen.
Take a Next Step:
Write down a maximum of three God-given dreams and spend the next seven days praying that God would open new doors in this area for you. Please feel free to keep us updated on how this goes.