Trusting in transition

Transitions always mean change and sometimes leaving our comfort zone. These three keys might help you approach a transition with a fresh perspective.


Transition can be scary. It can feel overwhelming. To leave where you are comfortable for where God is calling you, you will need strength and courage.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines transition as:

  • a change or shift from one state, subject, place, etc. to another.

  • a period or phase in which such a change or shift is happening.

With these definitions in mind, let's take a snapshot look at Joshua, who had to navigate a significant transition.

Joshua was Moses' apprentice and assistant. He showed true potential to be a courageous leader through his attitude. For example, when Moses sent him into the promise land to see what the children of God were up against, Joshua and Caleb came back with a faith-filled report. we read:

"Two of the men who had explored the land, Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh, tore their clothing. They said to all the people of Israel, β€œThe land we travelled through and explored is a wonderful land! And if the Lord is pleased with us, he will bring us safely into that land and give it to us. It is a rich land flowing with milk and honey. " - Numbers 13:6-9

Joshua had potential. But he stood in the shadow of an amazing leader - Moses. However, due to a moment where Moses did not follow the voice of God, he was no longer qualified to lead the children of Israel into the wonderful land that God had said would be theirs to possess.

This leads us to our key lessons about transitions: 

Key One: Transition sometimes disguises itself as opportunity

Sometimes the beginning of a transition happens when you get the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. Be sensitive to these opportunities that may look small. These are usually a sign that your season is beginning to change, and a new assignment is upon you.

Key Two: Transition begins with preparation

Notice that Joshua had been in preparation for his next assignment, whether he was aware of it or not. God placed him near his leader for a reason. Through his closeness with Moses, he could glean leadership principles. He could see the challenges that came with leadership. He could witness how to follow God's voice in the wilderness. These were tools to empower and equip him for the mission ahead of him.

Key Three: Transition necessitates faith in the God who has called you

Moses knew that his assignment was ending. Joshua was next. So, with a shepherd's heart he prophetically commanded Joshua to "Be strong and courageous!".

Joshua's leadership responsibility was weighty. He was to move a new generation of people who only knew God in one dimension. He had to transition these people from living on God's daily supply to seeing God as an abundant provider. The children of Israel were to become a people who pioneered and took territory, and this needed a mentality shift.

Joshua had to be brave. He needed to let go of the past. He needed to develop his own rhythm. And this may be where you are as well. Please don't mistrust the God who called you; if you abide in him, he will lead you and show you the approach you need to successfully bring about transformation through your leadership.

Remember, that God doesn't promise transitions will be easy, but he does promise to be with us as we step into a higher dimension of His will for our lives.

Ask Yourself: 

In this current season, how is God preparing me for what comes next?
How can I apply the lessons in my toolkit to help me navigate this season successfully?
What opportunities are available to me right now that might lead to my future assignment?

Pause to Pray:

Heavenly Father, as you call me to transition, help me to trust in you. Give me boldness and strength. Help me utilise what you've taught me so far to bring glory to your name. Amen

Next Steps:

Read Joshua chapter 1 and journal what you feel God is speaking to you.

Isaac Tendo

Isaac is a dynamic though leader who speaks on a variety of topics including faith, authenticity, and creativity. He is also a proud husband and father, and in his spare time he enjoys making music. You can connect with Isaac via Twitter (@IsaacTendo_); IG (@IsaacTendo); (isaactendo)


Strength in weakness


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